Buxton Swift Street

Important numbers of Swifts nest each year in Buxton’s buildings. 90 nests were located in 2023 – this represents the highest number of nests counted in any Derbyshire town.

But Swifts have suffered huge declines in Buxton as they have across the country and they need our help to survive. Loss of nest sites due to building renovations is a major cause of decline. To protect Swifts we must protect their nest sites in our buildings.

If nest sites are lost we will lose our Swifts

Have you received a Swift postcard?

If you’ve received a postcard from us, then we’ve recorded Swifts nesting on or close to your street, and your help could be vital to protect a local colony. Swifts are faithful to their nest sites and return year after year to the same spots. If we know the locations of nests and building work needs to take place, we can advise on how to maintain nest cavities or provide nest bricks or boxes.

How can you help to protect Swifts in Buxton?

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