Church belfries have long been recognised as a suitable location for Swift boxes as they provide a safe, weather-proof and elevated location for a large number of Swift nest sites. In Derbyshire, however, until recently, little use has been made of this resource despite many churches in the county being suitable for such installations.
In the past, dioceses required churches to obtain special permission to install Swift boxes (the dreaded “faculty”), a process which could take months, but this has changed with the advent of “Eco-Churches”, promoted by A Rocha. Churches can now receive bronze, silver or gold awards and Swift boxes contribute towards this. If the boxes are to be installed within the belfry and don’t require attachment that damages the fabric of the building, then all that is needed is for the vicar to obtain List B approval, which is far more straightforward.
The two remaining requirements are funding and the expertise to design, make and install the boxes.
The first church to be so equipped in the north of Derbyshire was Bakewell where 10 boxes were installed some years ago. This was followed by Edale, with 12 boxes in 2020. This year, however, has seen a rapid expansion as a further 62 boxes have or will shortly be provided in churches located in Bamford, Baslow, Bradwell, Castleton, Hathersage and Hope. Each installation is accompanied by a call system so Swifts can be attracted to the boxes. We have now completed our aim of providing a network of church installations in and around the Hope Valley and are looking further afield
with discussions on-going for future projects.
The continued decline of our Swift population, lack of government action to mandate Swift bricks in new housing developments combined with the lack of protection for Swift nest sites outside of the breeding season, all highlight the importance of providing as many alternative Swift nest sites as possible and churches can contribute significantly towards this in a cost-effective and high-profile way.
We are grateful to Breedon, Hope Cement Works for providing the funding for most of these installations, Lester Hartmann of Peak Boxes for his expertise in designing, building and installing the boxes, the vicars of the above-mentioned churches for their support and to all the local volunteers and Swift activists who have provided the vision and energy to make this happen.